Clean Integration

2022 Cleantech Trends with Nino Lazariia

Episode Summary

Our guest today is Nino Lazariia, a consultant at Cleantech Group – a research and consulting company that tracks innovation for sustainability across the agriculture, energy, chemical, transportation, and environmental sectors.

Episode Notes

Nino Lazariia, a consultant at Cleantech Group,  works with a particular focus on digital solutions to climate change. She has worked in multiple countries on issues ranging from smart cities, the internet of things, AI, digital resilience, and emerging technologies.

Cleantech Group is a research and consulting company that tracks innovation for sustainability across the agriculture, energy, chemical, transportation, and environmental sectors.

Notable Moments: 

[3:05] How would you define Cleantech?

[4:40] What do you see as the major upcoming trends in cleantech, particularly around the growth of the sector and new industries leaning into cleantech? 

[7:21] What's your take on the EV market and its impact on the climate change problem we're facing?

[9:05] One of your clients is UNIDO. Can you tell us a bit about your work for them? 

[12:13] Do you think crypto, AI, IoT, and other digital solutions have a role to play in social good?

[14:09] How do you manage bringing different stakeholders to the metaphorical table? – whether that’s execs, investors, legislators, scientists, etc.?

[15:19] You received dual masters in public affairs and environmental science - how do you think that has shaped your work at Cleantech Group? 

[16:43] You mentioned having a particular passion for smart cities. Can you talk more about what that is for our listeners? 

[18:08] What types of considerations do smart cities take for building or reforming the electrical grid? 

[19:10] How do you stay motivated and/or inspired in the hard fight against climate change?
